Sunday, June 17, 2007

Big Love?

I watched an episode of the new series on SBS tonight, Big Love. For those of my multitudinous readers who have not heard of the series, it is basically about a familiy of polygamists that live in a suburban town in America. I guess it is based on the pockets of fundamentalist polygamist mormons that exist in pockets in places like Arizona and Salt Lake City.
Anyway the show brought up to me an interesting point. There was this scene where a poligamist who had many wives and was a sort of spiritual leader for the fundamentalists is being interviewed by a paper. They are asking him questions about the type of life he leads and the legal implications, and he says "if the American government can give rights to homosexuals living in relationships, why cant they allow us to live our lives as we chose and leave us in peace?"
Good point. I tend to agree.

Personally I dont think that i could be a second or third or tenth wife in a polygamist family. I like attention too much. But if the women are consenting and able to cope with sharing a husband, if the families are healthy and happy, then why all the fuss? Kids with a large loving support network, siblings to play with and loving parents. As long as it isnt all child brides and dirty old men, I really cant see the problem with people living the way they want.

I think we spend too much time worrying about other people's lives. We care too much about what religious book they are reading, who they are sleeping with and what they believe in. Just because you dont think having two wives is right for you doesnt mean that it is wrong for Joe Bloggs and his wives Betty Cathy and Ursula Bloggs. We are all different. We all have different morals and beliefs. We are all most comfortable in different situations.

So I say GO ON! HAVE YOUR WIVES! And let me have my man, Pink and JD from SCRUBS. I think that is right for me.

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