Friday, June 24, 2005


I am writing in blue because I am feeling blue. This is going to be depressing and sad but I really have no-one else to talk to so I am going to talk to whoever ever really reads and whoever ever really cares.
I am at home and all alone, hiding in the computer room so that no-one can see me and no-one will look at me. I am afraid that I have failed something, or someone somehow, but I dont know what I have done or to whom.
I am bawling my eyes out for no reason, for some reason the tears come and they dont seem to stop.
I feel like I am all alone. No-one calls me. No-one remembers me. I am confused. I am sad. I dont know what to do with myself.
Other people, when they get sad, when they are confused and upset they run to someone, to anyone, to the person that they run to. Right now I feel like they have all run to those people and I am the odd one out. I have no-one to run to and no-one is running to me.
I say fuck it, I say I will do it on my own but I dont want to I am not built like that.
I don't know what I am writing anymore, I think I will just run away and be someone else. Someone who always makes everyone else happy. Someone who is surrounded by people all the time.

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