Monday, July 18, 2005

Another Day in The Office

I went to work on sunday for the first time in 4 days. Understandably, I wasnt excited about the prospect of going back to work, especially on a sunday.....

But I got lucky and landed a work partner who was about as enthusiastic as myself, and we made a unanimous decision to do as little as physically possible, and to spend as much time as possible participating in non work-related activities.

So we drove around, visited a couple of friends, stopped for a coffee, stopped for an icecream, stopped for lunch, bought socks on sale at Target.... we basically did the minimum required to stay employed and out of the managers office.

Which is why we found ourselves to be standing on the rocks out at Voodoo at 4pm on Sunday afternoon. I Dont know why its called Voodoo, but I do know that it is one of the most beautiful places that I have encountered in my short and rather sheltered little life.

Voodoo is at the end of a narrow 5km track at the end of a deserted road just past the Caltex Oil refineries which is just off Captain Cook Drive right out near Kurnell. The track leads you to a parking lot, and the parking lot stands infront of a gate, which leads you to Voodoo.

Voodoo is basically a huge sandstone point, high above the ocean, where the waves have sculpted and washed the sandstone into these amazing shapes, with caves and crannies and ledges throughout. When you stand there you feel like the smallest person on earth, like there is just you, the rocks, the ocean left in the world.

When I go to Voodoo I feel so many things. I feel completely in awe of the world. I feel lucky to have a job and live in an area that is blessed with such amazing natural beauty. And I feel really sad, really frightened and really lost. I think that there are ghosts at Voodoo. People have jumped before, and I feel like they are all still there....

I want to go to Voodoo and take photos. I want to have my wedding photos there. I want to sit there all by myself and just exist. The feelings that it brings out in my are so unexplainable, but they are like a drug and Im hooked. Ive been hooked for years.

I was going to post a funny story about the 3 Russian backpackers that we found at Voodoo that were looking for Cronulla train station. But for some reason I posted this instead. I guess I will save it for another day.

If you havent been to Voodoo, you really should take an hour and drive out to see. And let me know if you do ok?

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